SoFloPoJo Video 2024 - 2025
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September 2024: from A Blaze of Language Reading Series
Alice Friman reading from On the Night Train New and Selected Poems (LSU Press) and Molly Zhu
Alice Friman reading from On the Night Train New and Selected Poems (LSU Press) and Molly Zhu
August 2024: from SoFloPoJo presents:
Friends of Dr. Mary E. Galvin reading Mary's poetry from The Secret Life of Love
as well as Jennifer Franklin and Jim Daniels reading their poetry
Friends of Dr. Mary E. Galvin reading Mary's poetry from The Secret Life of Love
as well as Jennifer Franklin and Jim Daniels reading their poetry
May 2024: from SoFloPoJo presents:
Suzanne Frischkorn, AE Hines,
Jen Karetnick, & Dorianne Laux
plus "Glitching Slow" by Jennifer Weigel
Feb 2024: Lake Angela, Shannon Castor, Belle Ling, Lauren Tivey
& our February Flash & Poetry Launch Readings