Lenny DellaRocca Delray Beach (Meryl Stratford)
For Medicinal Purposes If we hadn’t been out there doing the mini-search for aesthetics nobody would have known about it, the expansion, all over the horizon trying to make something of itself. The rain came in as proposed and the variety troupe practiced stumbling in and out of the afternoon. The rest of us kept our wits in our hats in case someone needed them later at the hanging. The boat poets arrived with a pause, which some felt was instinctive. What was known about trifles and mechanical things, underground music for example, was scraped away with a map. The big clouds seemed to sense something. Roger took off his funny hat and the children laughed. The card game went on with guests slapping their pounds and lire with flair. Still, the circumference was there. But however grateful the gang was for the lemonade and French lessons, the facts, such as they were about the enlarged world, kept us in our chairs waiting for the gendarme. On the back acre of the lawn Roger’s goat chased the parrots into hysteria. It was quite the thing to see. |
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