Jeff Santosuosso Pensacola (LD)
Railyard Just West of Kansas City The railyard throws out its chest, stretches its shoulders. The Earth below bursts with track, swells with wheels, fat with freight, forms a delta, an enormous steel cattle drive. I see the cars of the nation, cars beside cars beside cars beside cars. Beneath me, Kansas City. Parked freight awaits arrival and delivery, promises kept by the carload, futures secured with linkages and couplings, engines and smoke, lurches and whistles, choked by tonnage that yields to the raw power of coal, like the Earth’s exhalations blowing boulders across a continent. I am certain of stock pilers, lifting and heaving, sweating in winter, breath bellowing work into daylight of this great congestion, this standing-room-only stadium of goods, of hardware, livestock, grains, coal and parcels, this economy bursting like cotton bolls blinding whiteness across the Delta. Jeff' is editor of a terrific Florida journal, Panoply, please check it out at |
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