Diana Noble Coral Springs (Sally Naylor)
The Boy He displays contradiction: a fusion of tears and laughter. A sun-shower, fragmented in raindrops & flecks of light. He scatters butterflies yet nurtures spring flowers. With a shift of the breeze: here then gone. He mixes, then molds a spectrum of Play-Doh melding his tones with precision. Colors each day: sculpting 100 vermillion monsters, chameleons, and blue guitars. A silken parasol, strong yet delicate, imprinted by weathered days, unfurled, as he parades his ribs and stretchers, how he clasps the shaft tightly and shelters from tempests. When closed, he’s a Billy club braced for danger. A wild mushroom, he sprouts quick as weeds. Nourished by a forest, blooming in the decay, he labors to climb up among great oaks and fern. Spawned in searing heat, a raw gemstone, cast by the confines of imagination, he leans into the flames then facets himself anew. |
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